• Sonnenaufgang Am Morgen
    Nature front and center
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  • Gruener 2017 07 03 5178
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Goldene Rose Karthaus

A Member Of SlhA Member Of Slh

Refuge Amidst the Glaciers

We’re surrounded by energy. You can feel it all around you. Emanating from the glaciers. Inside the primeval mountains. Held within the mighty silence. The Goldene Rose Karthaus, nestled in the village of Certosa in the Senales Valley, is surrounded by an ancient landscape. With the Dolomites just outside the front door, the hotel is flanked by three-thousand-meter peaks. Tranquil larch forests in hues of delicate green and yellow extend as far as the eye can see. Here the mind comes to rest, simply and with ease.

Nature & Activity

Explore inspiring places


Discover hidden spots

Exploring Certosa. With All Five Senses.  

Our world is permeated by soft sounds. A cleansing breeze from the mountains. Wind whispering through the monastery walls. The bells of the Carthusian monastery. A symphony of silence.

A stay at the Goldene Rose Karthaus means understated hospitality coupled with a truly sensory experience. Whether relishing a gourmet meal, having a chat at the bar or just enjoying the sweet bliss of doing nothing. It’s about body AND soul. The whole human being. All you have to do is get here. And we’ll recharge your batteries.


Explore our rooms and suites

A recharging station

Explore our spa

"Our quiet mountain village, Certosa, is a truly unique spot. A place of reflection surrounded by ancient monastery walls. A place of beauty, power and magic.."

Stefania & Paul Grüner

Contact us

Click here

Our World

We live in a one-of-a-kind corner of the world. We who live in the South Tyrolean village of Certosa draw power every day not only from our nearby glaciers, but also from Mother Nature herself. We make good use of the gifts she has bestowed upon us. In her, we find our homeland. And we share her with an open heart.

But as hosts, we want most of all to give you an appreciation of being connected to the earth. An ear for the magic of silence. And to share the idea that enjoying that magic is a key to the abundant gifts of this life.

  • Nature & Silence

    Our little patch of earth is like a treasure chest. In the Senales Valley, power and energy builds up in a natural way. We love helping our guests bring the hustle and bustle of everyday life to a screeching halt. We do it unobtrusively, and on your terms. But we are there quietly, in the background, to help you make your break a real one.


  • Simplicity & Authenticity

    We understand perfectly what it is that we modern human beings need. Our minds seek rest. Our bodies yearn for quality. And our hearts seek authentic, analogue encounters.

    Our guests want to take the space they need. They want to unwind completely. To touch down deep into themselves, without fuss.

  • Culinary Pleasures

    We think it’s safe to say: at the Goldene Rose Karthaus, pure love of life sets the pace. We believe in enjoying oneself. Especially when it comes to eating and drinking.

    We are in an ongoing dialogue with our suppliers in order to bring to your table the highest quality seasonal products, locally sourced to the extent possible. La Dolce Vita – Goldene Rose Karthaus style.

  • Personality

    Personality. To us, that word encompasses all of the tenderness, the sparkle, the rough edges that make us human. We Grüners think of ourselves as free spirits. As such, we approach our guests with heartfelt warmth, informality and authenticity. We face everyday life with a wink; we greet our counterparts with a smile. We look forward to getting to know you! Stefania and Paul Grüner.

Authentic Culinary Art

Careful - Territorial - Transparent

At Goldene Rose Karthaus, culinary tradition meets refined craftsmanship. With careful selection, territorial roots, and transparent sourcing, we create authentic flavors that celebrate the essence of our land—where Alpine heritage and Mediterranean finesse come together in perfect harmony.




Treat yourself atop a glacier at 2,845 meters

Way up high. The energy of the mountains flows through every window of Bella Vista Mountain Refuge and our little Customs House. Nestled amidst three-thousand-meter peaks, the air up here is crystal clear and the silence immeasurably deep. Being in the mountains brings everything important in life into perfect focus.